My wife and I went grocery shopping. I really don't like to grocery shop but it wasn't all bad. I did get a box of my favorite cookies. We finally made it home and carried in all the bags. Then I helped put everything away. The first container was a box of salt. I opened the cabinet doors and there was three shelves of condiments. I saw two or three sets of salt shakers all neatly placed on the shelf together with the pepper shakers. I put the salt near an almost empty box of salt. I noticed all the other containers neatly placed together on the shelf with all the labels facing forward. There was onion flakes, celery flakes, red pepper flakes all together. Then there were the bottles of liquids. Vanilla flavoring, lemon flavoring and some other bottles all filled with different kinds of flavoring. Everything was in the right place.
I thought about our life. Most familes have a husband, a wife and two children. One boy and a girl. families are very important. They are in place in one compartment. Then there is the work place. Maybe a nice office job. A desk, a telephone and a secretary would be great. Everything at the work place is just right, in it's compartment. Then there is the Church. You probably belong to a Men's Sunday School class. The rest of the family has their own class. The children in their class and the wife in a ladies class. Then all the family sits together in the worship service. Church has it's own compartment. Your whole life fits into compartments. You need to know how to act and what to say as you sit in each compartment.
We need to make sure God is in each compartment of our life. God must have a part in our family. God must have a part in our work place. God must have a part in our Church life. All our thoughts and actions must show we live for Him. Check your life's compartments. Do you include Jesus Christ in every part of your life?
Hi Mr Tunner,
Sorry to disturb you. i managed to add in the google translator in my blogger. Sorry again and i also thank to you because if im not seen the google translator in your blog, i will never this gadget is exists nowdays. Thanks again.
../Aniza Horim
Hi JT,
I have never thought of it this way before, having different compartments and making sure Jesus is in all of them. Cool.
God bless,
Anizahorim - Glad you figured it out.
Glad you found my blog and I yours!
Hi JT,
I am trying to make sure that Jesus is in all the compartments, thanks for reminding me of this, I am also reminded of the analogy of making sure you would want to invite Jesus into every room of your home.
Blessings to you & your dear wife
(She sounds very organized :)
Thanks for your comment Marijo.
A post to really think about. Allowing God into every area of our lives. I ask the Holy Spirit to order my steps in this process.
Be Blessed.
Hi John, JT,
What a wonderful post you have written, John!!
It is indeed, great food for thoughts, and a thought provoking post. I confess that I have never thought about compartments in my life. However, I agree with you. Of course, my dear Lord, Jesus Christ is in every compartment in my life, whether is at home, at work, in the street outside, at Church, on Vacations, or anywhere I may go, God dwells in my heart forever. Thank you, JT for sharing your wisdom with the world!!
God keeps blessing you, and all those you love in every single manner, JT!!
In God's Garden,
Poet Starry Dawn.
Thanks for your comment John.
Thanks for your comment Starry Dawn.
Hi JT -
Great topic. Thank you
You expressed, "All our thoughts and actions must show we live for Him."
Hearty Amens to that, JT - indeed!
Speaking of compartments, please visit my blog www.lioneaglesoar.blogspot.com
and comment on 1 Timothy 2:12, "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man,..."
Today, Sunday July 24, 2011, I posted a request for viewpoints on that topic...
Thank you, JT, for your consideration.
Thanks for your comment lioneagle. I will check out your post.
I am delighted I stumbled upon this post JT. I have has similar thoughts recently.
I have consciously been opening up all the rooms of my ‘house’ recently to the Lord. After all, I asked Him to come and live in me, when I gave my heart to Him, but I did not realize that I had some rooms that had been closed off to Him.
Yes, He already knows what is hidden behind those doors, but God is a gentleman, as I have drawn closer to Him, He has been revealing those doors that are locked, and has waited patiently for me to slowly unlock those doors, in order, that He can truly have complete control of my house.
What an awesome God we serve!
Thanks for your comment Carole.
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