Saturday, November 27, 2010


Everyone has seen a swimming pool.  There is lots of water and people swimming.  It is usually full of people having fun.  There are two ends to a swimming pool.  The deep end and the shallow end.  Children usually play around in the shallow end while parents watch from the edge of the pool.  The deepest part of the shallow end is knee deep on most adults.  It would be unusual to see an adult splashing around in the shallow end of the pool.  The adults are in the deep end and the babies are in the shallow end.  After playing around in the pool it is time to eat.  The adults get a big thick steak.  The babies get soft baby food in a jar.  Again there is a difference in the adults and children.  It would be funny to see an adult eating strained peas from a baby food jar.  There are spiritual adults and spiritual babies.  A person who acts like a baby Christian is immature regardless of age.  Instead of studying the Bible and being involved in Church the Baby Christian stands on the side watching at a safe distance.  God wants all Christians to grow to maturity.  We need to grow in Biblical wisdom.  We need to follow the example of Jesus.  He started as a baby in  a manger and grew to an adult teaching in a Synagog. Make sure you grow as Jesus intended. Study your Bible. Enter into activities at your Church. Be an Adult Christian.


Gorges Smythe said...

You're right, too many Christians are eating strained peas.

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Georges.

LibbyLibbyLibbyLibbyLibby said...

In other words, grow up ! :-) Good post!

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Libby.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful blog, spiritual, yet down to earth. I too write a blog, not as fancy as yours, but I'm still learning. The message I have to offer is of a very personal nature of intimacy with God, specifically I describe the mystical Gifts that God granted me when I was younger, and that changed my life. It took me 34 years to decide to share my spiritual experiences, because I've been very "jealous" of them, I must admit. I hope they are received with the reverence and respect they deserve. My blog url is:

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Anonymous.