Friday, March 4, 2011


Some friends were lifting weights at a fittness club. There was the usual friendly banter. The discussion was about running. The topic was The Marathon. There was a lot of bragging. One guy was saying he had run 5 Marathons. He said that his time was about 3 hours for the 26.2 miles. Another said he had run 8. Another said he had run 10. Then they talked about a Marathon that was coming up soon. It was scheduled in 6 weeks. They finally agreed to run in the Marathon as a group. There was still more bragging. Time passed quickly. There was a lot of talk and very little training. The big day arrived. One showed up with his arm in a sling. Another showed up walking on crutches. Two didn't show up at all. There was a lot of talking and very little walking. The moral of this story. Actions speak louder than words.
You can tell everyone how much you love God. You can talk about being in Church every Sunday morning. You can talk about money you give to the church. You can talk about your support for Missions. It is easy to talk. It makes you feel good to tell others about your Christian walk. Someone has said that talk is cheap. What happens when you need to walk the talk? What about the time someone asked you to help in the Nursery? The regular person was not available. Did you say Yes or did you give an excuse? Did you really have a cold? Was that a fake cough? What about the time someone wanted help in the Soup Kitchen? All you had to do was take a place in the food line. All they asked you to do was wash a few dishes. It would have been two hours of your time. Did you tell them you couldn't make it because you had a conflict? You had something scheduled that could not be changed. What about the time someone asked you to teach a Sunday School lesson to a group of teenagers? Did you say you would be glad to help or did you make an excuse? There are many ways to serve our Lord. The church always has a need for volunteers. Walking the talk is difficult. What about it? There are many who say they love Jesus. Jesus said those who truly love Him are the ones who keep His Commandments. We have to read His word which contain these commandments. Faith without works is dead. If we are really going to follow Jesus we must obey Him.
Are you walking the talk?


Gorges Smythe said...

Good post. Even when your as sincere as can be, walking is harder than talking!

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Gorges.

Starry Dawn said...

Dear JT,

Well, I must say that this one is a great post, JT. In fact, your words are exactly what I usually say to people. In my own words, I call it: "Christians in Action." I volunteer my work for the ones in need as much as I can. I give my helping hand and reach out for those helpless, and I have done it since I was a little child. I feel good with myself when I serve the Lord, not only with my messages, but also with my actions. I hold lasting moral values in my heart, and I wish to teach others about them, and I do it for free.
It'll be awesome if the whole world can read this message. Great food for thoughts you've got in here, and a wise thought provoking message, JT. By the way, thank you so much for posting your hearfelt comments in my poetry corner! I am happy to know you like my poems.
Thank you, JT for sharing your wonderful messages with the world!!
God bless you and those you love, JT!! In God's Garden, Starry.

Starry Dawn said...

JT, thank you for sharing your wonderful messages with the world!!
God bless you always, JT!!
In God's Garden,
Starry Dawn.

JT said...

Thanks for your comments Starry Dawn. God bless you.

Tommy O said...

Great challenge and exhortation

Tommy O said...

Great exhortation and challenge. Thanks!

Ken said...

Great post JT. We must all walk the walk. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your much appreciated comments. God bless

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Tommy.

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Ken.

God Is Enthralled By Your Beauty said...

JT, great post...convicting as well...conviction brings change...thank you for writing the truth. Great blog...I'm going to check out your blogs too...thank you for coming by for a visit!!! Looking forward to reading your other posts and your future posts as well!
God bless you JT...