Friday, February 11, 2011


So, you call yourself a Christian. You probably started going to Church when you were a child. There you were in your Sunday best. The little boy with shined shoes. Socks almost up to your knees. White shirt tucked in part way. Some of it hanging out in the back. Your hair combed by your mother. The part in your hair off to one side. It was probably plastered down to your head. Then later on you were in your teens. You may have been in the choir. There was Sunday School. Then there was courtship and marriage. Before you can figure out who you are you have children of your own. Through all this time there was prayer. You said your prayers every night. As a child your Mother helped you. She taught you what to say. You kept saying your prayers. The teenage years passed. You said your prayers every night before you went to sleep. Later when you married you prayed different prayers. You prayed for your family. You pray for your wife and children. Your prayers take on new meaning. It is no longer " Now I lay me down to sleep." You are in trouble. You have a sick child. The doctor says it is very serious. Night after night you pray that God will heal your child. You pray for a miracle. Then you go to the next appointment. The doctor examines the child and is shocked. There is no fever. There is no sign of any type sickness. It is a miracle. You and your wife are in shock. Everythings OK. What happened? You can't believe it. Read your Bible. In the book of Acts Chapter 12 Peter is in prison. Christians are praying for his release. There is a knock on the door. The door opens and the Christians are astonished to see Peter standing there in front of them. They couldn't believe their eyes. They were surprised. We need to trust God to hear and answer our prayers. We should not be astonished when He answers our prayers. We should be ashamed when we don't expect Him to do so. Prayer without faith is empty. Expect an answer, and He will astonish you.


Gorges Smythe said...

That's so much easier to say than do for most of us. I'd say that after self-righteousness, lack of faith is probably the most common Christian sin. Perhaps it's the memory of our unworthiness that's to blame.

Kelly L said...

I know what you mean about the power of prayer. My youngest had a brain cyst - I saw it on the MRI... My church family covered her in prayer.. My husband and I prayed without ceasing... Next thing we know - the cyst is gone and she is better... We serve an amazing God.
Great post. thanks
I've Become My Mother
Kelly's Ideas
Amazing Salvation

Jane said...

Many years ago my daughter was healed,and brought back from death's door,so I know prayer works! Blessings jane

JT said...

Thanks for your comments Georges, Kelly and Jane.

Sharon said...

This was a wonderfully inspiring post. How we need to believe God when He says He listens to us. How we must be persistent in our prayers. How we ought to believe His faithfulness in answering.

I love how you ended with this thought - "He will astonish you."

THAT makes me excited!

Thanks for sharing - and GOD BLESS!

JT said...

Thanks for your comment Sharon.

Ken said...

Praise God for He does answer prayers.