Thursday, November 11, 2010


I was riding in the car the other day listening to the radio.  There was a song playing.  It was a catchy tune.  Later in the day I couldn't shake the song.  It played in my head all day long.  Has this ever happened to you?  Have you watched TV and looked at a commercial two or three times.  Perhaps there was a jingle that went along with the commercial.   Is it stuck in your head?  Do you find yourself humming the tune?  Commercials are designed to sell something.  Sometimes the commercial is better than the program you are watching.  I was astonished to hear the cost of running a commercial during the Super Bowl.  The costs are in the thousands of dollars.  You can also have someone's words get stuck in your mind.  Someone could have given you a compliment.  It sounded so good you thought about it all day long.  Those words could bring a smile to your face.  Maybe someone said something hurtful to you.  Those words could stick in your head and not have so great an effect on your day.  When you re-play things you hear during the day you are able to make your day better or worse.  You have a choice about what you re-play in your mind.  You can re-play the good things or the bad things.  I have a suggestion.  Let Jesus Christ get into your head.  When you wake tomorrow morning read your favorite passage in the Bible.  Read it over and over several times.  Let it get into your head.  Let His love follow you through your day.  Let His mind be in you.  You will go through your day with a smile on your face.


Ben Craig said...

This really lifts me up. Instead of thinking about what the world wants you to think about you can be completely surrounded by God all day long. I will deffinately need to change my though process tomorrow. Thanks so much for what you do!

Gorges Smythe said...

I find myself paying less attention to the "news" anymore, though I still believe in trying to stay informed. The Lord gives us plenty to think about, if we'll let him. Good post!